Feature Friday (September 2023) - Joyce

by e3admin
Joyce has been putting a lot of effort into managing her mental health and supports over the past few months. She has been working very hard to connect to new supports and manage her treatment well. She has been taking a more active role in her mental health care and advocating for herself, working toward setting boundaries and respecting the boundaries of others, and has been supporting other members in their own personal journeys. She has been practicing and gaining new coping skill (like knitting, going for walks, and reading) and has been dressing nicely, in ways that make her feel good when she attends program and goes out. She has also been volunteering regularly at her church and doing mission work in local hospitals, utilizing skills she gained in her work as a nurse in hospice care. Congratulations Joyce on your ongoing efforts to support yourself and others, we really appreciate having you in program and seeing your growth!

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