A Hedwig House volunteer Advocate is a man or woman, who is interested in helping individuals with mental illness achieve their life goals. This is accomplished through a comradeship built upon regularly scheduled, supportive visits with a Hedwig House Member (individual participating in our services).
Advocates spend at least four hours per month with their Member(s) working on an established goal. Advocates will work toward having weekly contact whenever possible. They are matched based on mutual preferences and work together on a goal the Member has identified.
Hedwig House Advocates commit to a minimum of 12 months of service and complete a thorough application and training process. The requirements to be an advocate include:
- Being at least 21 years of age
- Reviewing and submitting our application form
- Interviewing with Hedwig House staff
- Submitting three references
- Completing an initial training program of up to 20 hours
- Signing a confidentiality agreement
- Signing an agreement to abide by the laws and policies relating to Hedwig House
- Fulfilling the process and responsibilities outlined in HH Advocates: What Can I Expect?
To get started please:
1) Fill out our form below
2) Visit - https://epatch.state.pa.us/ - (Pennsylvania State Police check) and click "New Record Check - Volunteers Only"
3) Once you receive your results, please send to info@hedwighouse.org
For more information or interest in the program please contact 610.787.1982 or info@hedwighouse.org.