
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services help adults living with severe mental illness achieve goals in the living, learning, working, and/or social domains. Our programs are centered around building, and maintaining life skills in order for our participants to be a part of and contribute to the community.

- The Hedwig House Team @ The 2016 Philadelphia NAMI Walk

Individual Services

P.R.E.P Individual (Psychiatric Rehabilitation Education Program): for individuals ages 18 and above

- One-on-one meetings held throughout Montgomery county, hours vary
- Individual creates a goal in the living, learning, working, or social area of their life with the help of a Hedwig House practitioner

- Members Preparing A Healthy Lunch In Abington With The Help Of Our Partner Ancestral Approach

Group Services

For individuals 18 and above

- Held primarily at our Lansdale location. In addition, groups are held in various locations around Montgomery County, including but not limited to Abington, Pottstown and Norristown.

- Lansdale Members Participating In A Group Exercise

Special Housing

Through rental subsidy programs, Special Housing enables individuals and their families to find and maintain safe, affordable housing. 

- Our Member Ricky, Proudly Standing In Front Of His Apartment Building

Hedwig House Member Adam 

Since coming to Hedwig House, Adam has expressed that he’s been more social and has been able to use the skills he's learned here, and apply them at his home.

Before becoming a member at Hedwig House, Adam shared that he ate mostly take-out food for dinner and some days he wouldn't even eat at all. There were nights that James would only have iced tea for dinner.

In the kitchen unit, a part of the Hedwig House group services, Adam has been learning the skills to be able to cook for himself at his home. Adam said to one of our Group Staff  "Hedwig House has given me a purpose in life."

Started New Jobs
Started Volunteering
Moved To More Independent Housing
Hedwig House serves Montgomery County Pennsylvania
Hedwig House offers Group & Individual mental rehabilitation services, along with a special housing program. See more information on those services here
Services are paid for by county funds, and are free to participants residing in Montgomery County. For HOPE individual services, you must have medical assistance.

To participate, individuals must be a resident of Montgomery County, age 18 or older and have a primary diagnosis of mental illness.

Enjoy our 2023 Impact Report!

No, this is common misconception. We do offer rental subsidies through our Special Housing program, for more information click here.