Nick has been associated with Hedwig House for the last four years, a member for Hedwig House Board for three years and the Board Chairperson for the last two years. He is now the Vice President of the Board. For the last twenty years he has served on the Boards of not-for-profit organizations and as a consultant with the Executive Service Corps and The Nonprofit Center at the LaSalle School of Business.
In the course of that time he consulted on strategic and marketing planning for more than thirty clients including the Red Cross of Southeastern PA and organizations providing training and support for handicapped persons. Nick recently retired as the founder and president of Westford Technology Associates. For seventeen years the firm provided technology licensing, business planning, and commercial development services to businesses in the chemical and related industries.
Prior to starting Westford, he held a range of management positions during 33 years at E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company in business, marketing, and research. He and his wife, Jean, are residents of Chester County, PA. where he is a long time member and past chair of the Birmingham Township Planning Commission.