Health & Wellness Initiative
A HOPE Academy student has recently been experiencing issues with her housing. Specifically, problems with her roommates and another resident she used to be friends with. She has been doing her best to use appropriate coping strategies which include: writing, drawing/coloring, listening to music and talking with her supports when she feels things are spiraling out of control.
Part of what Lucy and her practitioner are working on is focusing on her overall wellness. Lucy found it was difficult to work towards her goals when she was feeling so down. Lucy and her practitioner decided to plan a day each month to do something she enjoys.

This month they chose to visit the Franklin Institute! Lucy and her practitioner explored the heart, brain, electricity, train and plane exhibits. While there, Lucy and her practitioner discussed different housing options, how she's been feeling and how to cope with challenges. At the end of the day, Lucy shared with her practitioner that she really enjoying herself and is looking forward to their next trip and getting back on track.

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